Want to visit St Francis Hospital? Or offer volunteer services? You are more than welcome to stay at the Guest House of our newly built Training Center. St Francis Hospital is ideally situated on the way to Malawi or the Luangwa Game Park.
• Guests € 30,- per day, meals included.
• Volunteer student doctors doing electives € 35,- per day, meals included. All positions are taken up for 2019, bookings for 2020 welcome.
Volunteer doctors may offer their services to Dr Lalick Banda, Medical Superintendent, Private Bag 11, Katete, Zambia , stating their skills and intended length of stay.
Small groups of builders, carpenters, electricians willing to execute major maintenance jobs of hospital houses and buildings are also very welcome.
Student doctors and builders: please direct your request to Mr Fred Ntongwe.
To apply you can also use the contact form on this site.